After a week of short teasers, Adult swim has finally released a full trailer for their upcoming Samurai Jack sequel. Samurai Jack originally aired as a 52 episode series from August 10th, 2001 to September 25th, 2004. The series revival is expected to make its debut on March 11th, 2017, lasting 10 episodes. In this new trailer, we see new characters, the notorious Jack returns in his famous yukata. Jack, now drops his top knot for the release of the trailer demonstrating his rebellion to the customs of Edo Japan and adapting to his forced future by developing a beard as well.
The series focuses on more mature themes, with more blood spilling and more violence. You can expect to see Jack fight a whole battalion of enemies. The trailer suggests that Jack himself hasn’t aged a bit since his previous encounter with Aku.
Samurai Jack was originally popularized on Toonami. Jack instantly became on of the most iconic characters on Cartoon Network. After his series ended, Samurai Jack ended up on Adult Swim’s streaming service. With the inclusion of shows like Robot Chicken and Aqua Team Hunger Force, Samurai Jack was headlining the stream of episodes that were on the programming sheet for Adult Swims subsidiary program Toonami.
Fans can rewatch the series in full on Toonami’s streaming service, so you may head on down to get your fix of Samurai Jack before it returns to the small screen. Since ComedyNGaming is too kind to you all we’ve included the link to the website so you can jump right into the action. Hulu also has the full series up for streaming for their premium members. Guess what? We included that as well!
The stream is 24/7, 7 days a week until to get you up-to-date.Watch the live stream:
Try the Hulu stream too:
Last modified: February 6, 2017