E3 open to fans

For The First Time In History, E3 Will Be Open To The Public 

Written by | Gaming, News

This year E3 will be open to the public. This means you don’t have to be in the video game industry in order to gain access. They have stated that around 15,000 tickets will be allotted for normal fans and consumers. The tickets will be priced around $250, but a $100 discount is on the table for those who purchase on the first day they’re available. Standard passes, as well as business passes, will be made available for purchase February 13th.

This is great news for many different reasons. Not only will video game fans have access to the show floor but to the entire event. Tickets include the exhibitions, demos, conferences, and just the overall aura of awesomeness that comes along with being present at E3.
There’s been much demand from fans to make E3 to the public, if all goes well then going back on this demand will be a big mistake. Since the 90’s E3 has been one of the biggest gaming expo events in the world. Every year major announcements are made at E3 while the video game world watches. It’ll be an amazing thing to see the consumers that support these companies get an up-close look at what’s to come on their home consoles.
E3 2017 will be held June 13-15 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Over 200 exhibitors will be at the event this year.




Last modified: February 9, 2017