If you’re just tuning it to this page, then I’ll be the first to give you a warm welcome and a hearty dose of your, favorites and many more aspects about gaming, through these future articles I shall be known as Draginto, a name which many of you are asking why? Well because I can, valid argument there isn’t it? Anyways let’s get to know me better, I’m Draginto and I love the The Legend Of Zelda franchise I have always been a big fan of the series and if you think I’m lying I’d be happy to demonstrate it with future posts I make by giving you some delicious snapple facts and juicy details about upcoming titles no other site has just yet. I’m a fluent speaker of Japanese, Spanish and English although my ethnicity is not to be discussed. Right now I am, but anonymous no not the hacker group, but the one word in the dictionary where it means to hide yourself. Now this is just one piece of information that I will reveal, as for the next or many posts I will slowly begin to reveal a little bit more about myself, but not too revealing that is, needless to say. Let’s enjoy this damn site already, I’m writing and talking way too much as I’m posting this right now.
So without further a-do I bring you ComedynGaming!
Cue the awesome applause from the imaginary audience I have right now. Yessssssss!
Before I start another post, if there is anyone who would like to contribute to the site and continue growing into a fantastic site, please contact me through email at: Draginto@gmail.com
Last modified: September 28, 2015