Call of Duty Infinite Warfare

Call of Duty Modern Warfare being Sold Separately from Infinite Warfare

Written by | Rumors

The What.

Awesome news time! Remember that horrid Infinite Warfare to be released soon? Remember how the remastered Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was only going to be available if you pre-ordered Infinite Warfare and that was the only way you can get it? Well there is a rumour going around stating that Raven director David Pellas mismatched his words and it sounded as if he was bringing up the idea that the 2 games coming soon will be sold separately, but here’s hoping they don’t decide to overprice the fucking remake or I’m going to literally implode on myself.


What we announced before today was that we were going to offer 10 maps on launch, and that’s still true. The announcement today is that the six remaining maps we are actually going to be delivering to anyone who purchases Modern Warfare Remastered, anyone who owns it or a version of Infinite Warfare that comes with it, they’re going to get all 16 of the maps for no additional cost.


anyways with that being said we can pretty much be hopeful at this point until they make an official announcement for the game to be sold separately and if you know me and what kind of character I am, I will tell you not to preorder any special edition copy of the game just to get the Modern Warfare remaster because I’m pretty sure they will be selling it separately, probably on release or soon after. For now that’s the latest that we have on this topic and we hope we can keep you updated, by updating this page so as always stay tuned, cause we got more coming.

Last modified: September 20, 2016